YEP Core Updates & Desktop Optimization - YEP_X_CoreUpdatesOpt.js

▼YEP Core Updates & Desktop Optimization(Yanfly様作) - YEP_X_CoreUpdatesOpt.js
開発中のProjectの古いコアスクリプトを(コアに手を加えた等の理由で) 交換せず、新しいコアの機能を取り込める


機能概要: 開発中のProjectの古いコアスクリプトを(コアに手を加えた等の理由で) 交換せず、新しいコアの機能を取り込める








 * @plugindesc v1.61 (要YEP_CoreEngine.js) ベースのrpg_x.jsファイルを変更したりデスクトップ用に最適化したりすることなくゲームを更新します。
 * @author Yanfly Engine Plugins
 * @help
 * 翻訳:ムノクラ
 * ============================================================================
 * Introduction
 * ============================================================================
 * このプラグインには以下が必要です。
 * - YEP_CoreEngineプラグインがインストールされている
 * - このプラグインを YEP_CoreEngine.js の下にインストールする
 * - RPG Maker MVバージョンベースコード1.4.0以上
 * - ヘルプの”Instructions”に記載されている指示に従ってください。
 * あなたのゲームプロジェクトは、
 * 1.4.0以上のベースコード(rpg_x.js)を使っていますか?
 * そしてRPGツクールMVはそれを過ぎて更新しました。
 * しかし、あなたはベースコードを手動で更新することを気にしません。
 * おそらくあなたはコード自体に何らかの修正を加えたからですか?
 * それでも、あなたはまだバージョンアップからの変更を利用したいですか?
 * このプラグインはあなたのベースコードをそのままに保ちながら
 * あなたのためにそれを大事にするでしょう。
 * 一方より高いバージョンアップからなされた変更にパッチを当てます。
 * このプラグインは、1.5.2までのバージョンからのアップデートと新機能を追加して、
 * 1.4.0を実行している場合でも
 * プロジェクトに最新の機能が確実に適用されるようにします。
 * ゲームプロジェクトのベースコードファイルを自分で改ざんする必要はありません。
 * 注: 最新のPixiライブラリーをダウンロードし、
 * このプラグインを使用して正常に機能するようにする必要があります。
 * ヘルプファイルの下のこのプラグインの説明セクションにもっと説明があります。
 * ============================================================================
 * Instructions
 * ============================================================================
 * 更新が必要な古いプロジェクトがある場合は、以下の手順を実行します。
 * 1. プロジェクトのバックアップをとります。
 * 2. 新しいプロジェクトを作成するか、RPGツクールMVのルートフォルダ
 *    (RPG Maker MVがインストールされている場所)の
 *    ”NewData”フォルダに移動します。
 * 3. ”js”の下の ”libs”フォルダをコピーし、
 *    古いプロジェクトのものを置き換えます。
 * 4. 新しいindex.htmlファイルを現在のプロジェクトにコピーします。
 * 5. 念のため gamefont.css を更新してください。
 * 6. 最新バージョンの YEP Core がインストールされていることを
 *    確認してください。
 * 7. ゲームプロジェクトのプラグイン管理の YEP_CoreEngine.js の下に
 *    YEP_X_CoreUpdatesOpt.js(このプラグイン)をインストールします。
 * 8. ゲームを始めましょう!
 * ============================================================================
 * Desktop Optimization Option
 * ============================================================================
 * このプラグインには、主にデスクトップ専用ゲームとして
 * 自分のプロジェクトを最適化したい人のための
 * YanflyのDesktop Optimizationベースコードの変更も含まれています。
 * そのオプションの理由は、1.5.0アップデート以降、RPGツクールMVが
 * エディター全体に多くの素晴らしい新機能を追加したことです。
 * ただし、RPGツクールMVゲームはデスクトップゲームよりも
 * モバイルゲームの最適化を優先するようにベースコードが更新されました。
 * このため、1.5.0以降で実行されているRPGツクールMVゲームでは、
 * バージョン1.4.0以下とは異なり、イメージのロード時に奇妙な問題が発生します。
 * この機能は、デスクトップの最適化により適した1.4.0のソースコードを
 * 利用することによって、最新バージョンのRPGツクールMV間のハイブリッドとして
 * 機能します。
 * このようにして、主にデスクトップ用ゲームの開発を目指す開発者にとっては、
 * 最新のRPGツクールMVバージョンの機能をフルに活用しながら、
 * 1.4.0ベースコードと同じようにゲームを実行することができます。
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.1.0 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Sprite.prototype.updateTransform – no longer needs rounding down.
 * Tilemap.prototype.update – animation frame removed
 * Tilemap.prototype.refresh – repaint flag removed
 * Tilemap.prototype.updateTransform – removed a lot of animation checks
 * Tilemap.prototype._paintTiles – animation frame check moved to here
 * Tilemap.prototype._drawAutotile – fixed error with variable names
 * rpg_managers.js
 * DataManager.saveGame – no longer corrupts save file while saving during a 
 * parallel process
 * StorageManager.backup – new function added
 * StorageManager.backupExists – new function added
 * StorageManager.cleanBackup – new function added
 * StorageManager.restoreBackup – new function added
 * StorageManager.loadFromLocalBackupFile – new function added
 * StorageManager.loadFromWebStorageBackup – new function added
 * StorageManager.webStorageBackupExists – new function added
 * SceneManager – added FPS synch
 * SceneManager.updateMain – added in FPS synch
 * BattleManager.processEscape – removed battle state removal process from
 * wrong spot
 * BattleManager.processAbort – inserted battle state removal process to
 * correct timing
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Action.prototype.decideRandomTarget – random target index bug fixed
 * Game_Action.prototype.evaluate – target index bug fixed
 * Game_Action.prototype.evalDamageFormula – if formulas are used that return
 * NaN, return 0 instead
 * Game_Actor.prototype.changeClass – exp bug fixed
 * Game_Event.prototype.updateSelfMovement – added extra check to see if the
 * event is not locked
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command321 – class change command now has the
 * option to keep exp across changing classes
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * Scene_Save.prototype.onSaveSuccess – backup process functionality added
 * rpg_sprites.js
 * Sprite_Actor.prototype.refreshMotion – added a fix for guard motion
 * Spriteset_Map.prototype._canvasReAddParallax – new function added
 * Spriteset_Map.prototype.updateParallax – implemented fix for parallax bug
 * rpg_windows.js
 * Window_MenuStatus.prototype.drawItemImage – fixed bug involving variable
 * face dimensions
 * Window_ActorCommand.prototype.selectLast – fixed bug with saved last
 * selected command
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.2.0 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * TilingSprite.prototype.generateTilingTexture added.
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Picture.prototype.updateRotation updated. This is to accomodate for the 
 * set rotation value.
 * rpg_sprites.js
 * Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite updated. The sprite will always
 * be visible if the pattern exists.
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.3.0 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Arrays get a new function: equals
 * CacheEntry new class
 * Bitmap gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Bitmap.initialize
 * Bitmap.load
 * Bitmap.snap
 * Bitmap.onLoad
 * Bitmap._setDirty
 * Bitmap.touch, Bitmap.bltImage new functions
 * Graphics gets line updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Graphics.isWebGL
 * Graphics gets new function: callGC
 * Sprite gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Sprite.constructor
 * Sprite._refresh
 * Sprite._renderCanvas
 * Sprite._renderWebGL
 * Sprite gets a new function: _speedUpCustomBlendModes
 * Tilemap gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Tilemap.initialize
 * Tilemap.update
 * Tilemap.refresh
 * Tilemap.updateTransform
 * Tilemap._paintTiles
 * Tilemap._drawNormalTile
 * Tilemap._drawAutotile
 * Tilemap.isWallSideTile
 * ShaderTilemap new class
 * TilingSprite gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * TilingSprite.initialize
 * TilingSprite.updateTransform
 * TilingSprite._refresh
 * TilingSprite._renderCanvas, TilingSprite._renderWebGL new functions
 * ScreenSprite gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * ScreenSprite.initialize
 * ScreenSprite._renderCanvas
 * Window gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Window.initialize
 * Window.updateTransform
 * Window._createAllParts
 * WindowLayer gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * WindowLayer.initialize
 * WindowLayer._renderCanvas
 * WindowLayer._renderWebGL
 * WindowLayer._webglMaskWindow
 * Weather gets line updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Weather.initialize
 * ToneFilter gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * ToneFilter.initialize removed
 * ToneFilter.reset removed
 * ToneFilter.adjustHue
 * ToneFilter.adjustSaturation
 * ToneFilter.adjustTone
 * ToneSprite gets many lines updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * ToneSprite.initialize
 * ToneSprite._renderCanvas
 * ToneSprite._renderWebGL
 * Stage gets line updated from Pixi2 to Pixi4
 * Stage.initialize
 * WebAudio gets functions updated to work with the new Decrypter
 * WebAudio._load
 * WebAudio._onXhrLoad
 * Html5Audio gets function updated to work with the new Decrypter
 * Html5Audio.setup
 * Decrypter new class
 * rpg_managers.js
 * DataManager.onLoad gets update check for Decrypter added
 * ImageManager._cache no longer exists. ImageManager.cache now takes its place
 * as a new CacheMap
 * ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap, ImageManager.loadNormalBitmap,
 * ImageManager.clear, ImageManager.isReady are now all updated from _cache to
 * cache
 * AudioManager gains AudioManager._blobUrl
 * AudioManager.playBgm gets update check for Decrypter
 * AudioManager.playEncryptedBgm, AudioManager.createDecryptBuffer new functions
 * AudioManager.createBuffer updated to utilize _blobUrl
 * AudioManager.shouldUseHtml5Audio updated for Decrypter
 * SceneManager.update gets updated for a MobileSafari check
 * SceneManager.updateMain gets updated to function differently if using
 * MobileSafari
 * SceneManager.updateManagers new function
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Picture.updateRotation now accepts negative speed
 * Game_BattlerBase.tpRate now utilizes Game_BattlerBase.maxTp function
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * Scene_Boot.create now loads the window image separately
 * Scene_Boot.loadSystemWindowImage new function
 * Scene_Boot.loadSystemImages no longer loads the window image
 * rpg_sprites.js
 * Sprite_Animation.initialize gets new _reduceArtifacts variable
 * Sprite_Animation.updateCellSprite gets an update where the pattern sprite is
 * now always visible if the pattern is at least 0
 * Sprite_Picture.initialize gets new _isPicture variable
 * Spriteset_Map.createTilemap is updated to check if WebGL is being used. If it
 * is, the tilemap will be a ShaderTilemap instead of a regular Tilemap
 * Spriteset_Map.loadTileset is updated to refresh tilemap flags when loading a
 * new one
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.3.1 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * function fixed
 * Tilemap’s TileRenderer mode will automatically default to Nearest Neighbor
 * ScreenSprite updates
 * New properties added: anchor and blendMode
 * ScreenSprite.initialize
 * ScreenSprite.setColor
 * WebAudio.onXhrLoad function fixed
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.3.2 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Added waitForLoading and register variables.
 * Graphics.playVideo function updated to add a Mobile Safari check for video
 * playing.
 * Graphics.isVideoPlaying function updated to add a Mobile Safari check for 
 * video playing.
 * Graphics._onVideoLoad function updated to add a Mobile Safari check for 
 * video playing.
 * Graphics._onVideoEnd function updated to add a Mobile Safari check for video 
 * playing.
 * Input._updateGamepadState function updated to provide Direct Input 
 * Controller support.
 * Sprite.prototype.initialize function updated to no longer have an offset 
 * variable. It is now replaced by the pivot.
 * Sprite.prototype._refresh updated offset variable to work with pivot and 
 * texture update ID.
 * Sprite.prototype.updateTransform function removed.
 * TilingSprite is now a different object type (PictureTilingSprite).
 * TilingSprite.prototype.initialize function updated to call 
 * PictureTilingSprite instead.
 * TilingSprite.prototype._renderCanvas_PIXI and TilingSprite._renderWebGL_PIXI 
 * updated to work with PictureTilingSprite instead.
 * TilingSprite.prototype._refresh function updated to work with 
 * PictureTilingSprite and texture update ID.
 * TilingSprite.prototype._speedUpCustomBlendModes new.
 * TilingSprite.prototype._renderWebGL new function.
 * WindowLayer.prototype.initialize function updated to fix memory leak.
 * WindowLayer.prototype.onRemoveAsAChild new function.
 * WindowLayer.prototype.renderWebGL updated to work with PIXI.Point shift.
 * WindowLayer.prototype._maskWindow function updated to require shift.
 * rpg_managers.js
 * SceneManager.onKeyDown function updated to have a warning message for 
 * Japanese game systems: Reloading the game with a gamepad connected will 
 * cause a disconnect.
 * BattleManager.invokeCounterAttack function updated to display the target as 
 * the counter target instead of the subject.
 * BattleManager.invokeMagicReflection function updated to register the 
 * reflection target and display the target as the reflect target instead of the
 * subject.
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Action.prototype.gainDrainedHp function updated to work with reflected 
 * targets.
 * Game_Action.prototype.gainDrainedMp function updated to work with reflected 
 * targets.
 * Game_Actor.prototype.isLearnedSkill function updated to now include skills 
 * added through traits.
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command337 (Show Battle Animation) now updated to 
 * work with new Editor update.
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * Scene_Map.prototype.terminate updated to fix memory leak bug.
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.3.3 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * Strictly an editor update.
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.3.4 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Bitmap.snap now destroys the previously saved snapshot
 * TilingSprite.prototype.updateTransform gets comments removed
 * WindowLayer.prototype.renderWebG now rounds up the shifted window coordinates
 * rpg_managers.js
 * SceneManager.onKeyDown gets that terrible popup removed when pressing F5
 * BattleManager.updateEvent now uses BattleManager.checkAbort2 function
 * BattleManager.checkAbort2 is a new function used to play an extra sound
 * effect, mark the battle as escaped
 * BattleManager.updateBattleEnd now checks if the battle is aborted if the
 * party is all dead and not escaped
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Actor.prototype.isLearnedSkill reverted back to its 1.0.0 to 1.3.1
 * version
 * Game_Actor.prototype.hasSkill now checks if the skill exists, whether it is
 * inherently or gained through a temporary trait
 * Game_Actor.prototype.testEscape new function that checks if an action (item
 * or skill) has the escape effect
 * Game_Actor.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions now checks specifically for
 * actor usage and to check if the item has an escape effect
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command111 (Conditional Branch) updated to make
 * use of the new Game_Actor.hasSkill function
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.4.0 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * TouchInput.isMousePressed function removed
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Temp.prototype.initialize function removes map touch boolean
 * Game_Temp.prototype.isMapTouched function removed
 * Game_Temp.prototype.setIsMapTouched function removed
 * Game_Actor.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions altered to return a reference
 * to Game_BattlerBase.prototype.meetsUsableItemConditions for checking
 * Game_Player.prototype.updateDashing now checks if the dash button is pressed
 * instead of if the game map is being touched
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * Scene_Map.prototype.processMapTouch updated to reflect the removal of the
 * map touch functions
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.5.0 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Utils.isSupportPassiveEvent new function added
 * ImageCache added and respective functions
 * iOS memory function updates for reusing images
 * Bitmap.prototype.initialize split into new functions for iOS memory function
 * update
 * Bitmap.load split into new functions for iOS memory function update
 * Bitmap.prototype.isReady and Bitmap.prototype.isError now has extra checks
 * Bitmap properties updated for Pixi4.4
 * Bitmap.prototype.addLoadListener updated as per updated ready functions
 * Bitmap.prototype.addLoadListener updated as per updated listener functions
 * Bitmap.request new function added
 * Graphics.initialize updated with new variables added
 * Graphics._setupCssFontLoading new function added
 * Graphics.render updated
 * Graphics.printLoadingError new function added
 * Graphics.isFontLoaded updated
 * Graphics.playVideo updated
 * Graphics._createVideo updated
 * Graphics._createRenderer updated
 * Graphics._onVideoLoad updated
 * Graphics._onVideoError updated
 * Graphics._setupEventHandlers updated with new listener functions
 * Input._onKeyDown updated
 * TouchInput._setupEventHandlers updated
 * Sprite.prototype.setFrame updated
 * Sprite.prototype._onBitmapLoad updated
 * Sprite.prototype._renderCanvas updated
 * Sprite.prototype._renderWebGL updated
 * ShaderTilemap.prototype._hackRenderer updated
 * WindowLayer.prototype.renderWebGL updated
 * WindowLayer.prototype._maskWindow updated
 * WebAudio._standAlone new function added
 * WebAudio._createMasterGainNode updated
 * WebAudio._fadeIn updated
 * WebAudio._fadeOut updated
 * WebAudio.prototype.fadeOut updated
 * WebAudio.prototype._load updated
 * WebAudio.prototype._createNodes updated
 * JsonEx.stringify updated
 * JsonEx.parse updated
 * JsonEx._encode updated
 * JsonEx._decode updated
 * Decrypter.decryptImg updated
 * ResourceHandler new class
 * rpg_managers.js
 * DataManager.loadDataFile updated
 * DataManager.loadMapData updated
 * DataManager.loadSavefileImage updated with function rename
 * ImageManager._imageCache, ImageManager._requestQueue, 
 * ImageManager._systemReservationId, ImageManager._generateCacheKey newly added
 * ImageManager.loadEmptyBitmap updated with function rename
 * ImageManager.loadNormalBitmap updated with function rename
 * ImageManager.clear updated with new ImageCache
 * ImageManager.isReady updated with new ImageCache
 * New functions (renamed):
 * ImageManager.reserveAnimation
 * ImageManager.reserveBattleback1
 * ImageManager.reserveBattleback2
 * ImageManager.reserveEnemy
 * ImageManager.reserveCharacter
 * ImageManager.reserveFace
 * ImageManager.reserveParallax
 * ImageManager.reservePicture
 * ImageManager.reserveSvActor
 * ImageManager.reserveSvEnemy
 * ImageManager.reserveSystem
 * ImageManager.reserveTileset
 * ImageManager.reserveTitle1
 * ImageManager.reserveTitle2
 * ImageManager.reserveBitmap
 * ImageManager.reserveNormalBitmap
 * ImageManager.releaseReservation
 * ImageManager.setDefaultReservationId
 * ImageManager.requestAnimation
 * ImageManager.requestBattleback1
 * ImageManager.requestBattleback2
 * ImageManager.requestEnemy
 * ImageManager.requestCharacter
 * ImageManager.requestFace
 * ImageManager.requestParallax
 * ImageManager.requestPicture
 * ImageManager.requestSvActor
 * ImageManager.requestSvEnemy
 * ImageManager.requestSystem
 * ImageManager.requestTileset
 * ImageManager.requestTitle1
 * ImageManager.requestTitle2
 * ImageManager.requestBitmap
 * ImageManager.requestNormalBitmap new function
 * ImageManager.update new function
 * ImageManager.clearRequest new function
 * AudioManager._masterVolume added
 * SceneManager._getTimeInMs renamed to
 * SceneManager._getTimeInMsWithoutMobileSafari
 * SceneManager.preferableRendererType updated per new graphics updates
 * SceneManager.update added new updatemanagers
 * SceneManager.updateMain updated for the new
 * SceneManager._getTimeInMsWithoutMobileSafari
 * SceneManager.updateManagers updated to utilize ImageManager.update() function
 * SceneManager.changeScene updated with new reservation system
 * SceneManager.resume new function added
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_System.prototype.saveWalkingBgm2 new function added
 * Game_Message.prototype.allText updated
 * Game_Map.prototype.autoplay updated for vehicle bgm to take into
 * consideration the new Game_System.prototype.saveWalkingBgm2 function
 * Game_Character.prototype.findDirectionTo updated
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.setup updated to now request images at the start
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command282 (change tileset) updated per the new
 * image reservation system
 * Game_Interpreter.requestImages new function added to preload images that will
 * be used by the event
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * Scene_Base.prototype.initialize updated with new reservation system
 * Scene_Base.prototype.attachReservation new function added
 * Scene_Base.prototype.detachReservation new function added
 * Scene_Base.prototype.update no longer checks audio errors
 * Scene_Boot.prototype.loadSystemWindowImage updated now to reserve images
 * instead of loading them
 * Scene_Boot.loadSystemImages updated now to reserve images instead of loading
 * them
 * Scene_Boot.prototype.isGameFontLoaded updated now with CSS and elapsed
 * loading time increased from 20 seconds to 60 seconds
 * Scene_Map.prototype.terminate updated now to clear requests
 * Scene_Menu.prototype.createStatusWindow updated now to reserve face images
 * Scene_Skill.prototype.start new function added
 * Scene_Skill.prototype.createStatusWindow updated now to reserve face images
 * Scene_Status.prototype.create updated now to reserve face images
 * Scene_Status.prototype.start new function added
 * Scene_Battle.prototype.terminate now clears images used
 * rpg_sprites.js
 * Sprite_Animation.prototype.isReady uses new image ready system
 * Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateCellSprite updated
 * rpg_windows.js
 * Window_Base.prototype.reserveFaceImages new function added
 * Window_MenuStatus.prototype.initialize no longer loads images
 * Window_MenuStatus.prototype.loadImages now uses reserve image functions
 * Window_Status.prototype.initialize updated to have an initial null actor
 * Window_NameEdit.prototype.initialize now uses reserve image functions
 * Window_Message.prototype.initMembers updated with Utils.generateRuntimeId()
 * function added
 * Window_Message.prototype.updateLoading now uses image ready system
 * Window_Message.prototype.loadMessageFace now uses reserve image functions
 * Window_Message.prototype.drawMessageFace updated with reserve image functions
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.5.1 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Sprite.prototype._renderWebGL updated to be picky when detecting usage for a
 * heavy renderer
 * rpg_managers.js
 * BattleManager.initMembers added new this._turnForced variable
 * BattleManager.endTurn updated to check if a turn has been forced
 * BattleManager.isForcedTurn new function
 * BattleManager.processForcedAction updated for new forced turn variable
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Battler.prototype.onTurnEnd updated to have a check for a forced turn
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command122 (control variables) updated to have a
 * proper range calculation change
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.5.2 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Graphics.initialize starts with _videoUnlocked with a false boolean.
 * Graphics._setupEventHandlers added keydown and mousedown Event Listeners
 * WebAudio._setupEventHandlers function updated to have keydown, mousedown,
 * touchend listeners resume function.
 * rpg_managers.js
 * BattleManager.updateEvent now returns checkAbort instead of checkAbort2
 * BattleManager.checkAbort2 removed and became BattleManager.checkAbort
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command113 (break loop) event fixed
 * rpg_scenes.js
 * No changes (good, since it doesn’t have the Scene_Item active window breaker)
 * rpg_sprites.js
 * Spriteset_Battle.prototype.overworldBattleback1Name and
 * Spriteset_Battle.prototype.overworldBattleback2Name functions updated to
 * return no backdrop if an empty string is determined
 * ============================================================================
 * RPG Maker MV 1.6.1 Changelog
 * ============================================================================
 * rpg_core.js
 * Utils.isOptionValid function updated with fail saves
 * WebAudio.prototype._startPlaying function updated for loopLength variable
 * rpg_objects.js
 * Game_Interpreter.prototype.command113 (break loop) function updated
 * ============================================================================
 * End of Helpfile
 * ============================================================================
 * @param ---公式アップデート---
 * @default
 * @param 110_Updates
 * @text 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.0.0から1.1.0へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 120_Updates
 * @text 1.1.0 to 1.2.0
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.1.0から1.2.0へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 130_Updates
 * @text 1.2.0 to 1.3.0
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.2.0から1.3.0へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 131_Updates
 * @text 1.3.0 to 1.3.1
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.3.0から1.3.1へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 132_Updates
 * @text 1.3.1 to 1.3.2
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.3.1から1.3.2へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 133_Updates
 * @text 1.3.2 to 1.3.3
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.3.2から1.3.3へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 134_Updates
 * @text 1.3.3 to 1.3.4
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.3.3から1.3.4へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 140_Updates
 * @text 1.3.4 to 1.4.0
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.3.4から1.4.0へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 150_Updates
 * @text 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.4.0から1.5.0へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 151_Updates
 * @text 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.5.0から1.5.1へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 152_Updates
 * @text 1.5.1 to 1.5.2
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.5.1から1.5.2へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param 162_Updates
 * @text 1.5.2 to 1.6.1
 * @parent ---公式アップデート---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc 1.5.2から1.6.1へのアップデートを追加しますか? より高いバージョンが検出された場合、これは自動的に無効になります。
 * @default true
 * @param ---カスタム---
 * @default
 * @param Desktop_Updates
 * @text Desktop Optimization
 * @parent ---カスタム---
 * @type boolean
 * @on YES
 * @off NO
 * @desc Yanflyのデスクトップ最適化アップデートを追加しますか?
 * @default true



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